WARNING DISCLAIMER & IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS: Advocates, Lawyers, Solicitors, Judges, Barristers, Attorneys, Law Students & similar type of people are NOT allowed to discuss or consult any matter with us, hence, you are requested & suggested NOT to make any type of payment for any type of consultation or service in our account, otherwise, the amount paid by you will be forfeited & you won't get any service also. Kindly note that:- Our Consultation & Written Assistance & any other service is ONLY & ONLY for genuine victims of false cases only especially for those who have also been victims of corrupt lawyers & advocates and/or corruption in the judiciary, administration, police & the system.
Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions are given at http://www.aturchatur.com and also at http://mmm.aturchatur.com , therefore , if any of our Disclaimer, Terms or Conditions at any of the above sites or any of our other sites contradict then the Disclaimer, Terms or Conditions given at:- http://mmm.aturchatur.com shall apply.
Kindly note that:- All of our disclaimers or terms or conditions given at any of our websites, blogs or emails or videos etc applies in toto word by word and you shall be bound by these disclaimers and terms and conditions so you are requested to kindly read the same before dealing with us or before making any payment to us or before using any of the information or article or post/ blog/ email etc written by us or comments written/ published on any of our sites by us, our affiliates, employees/ owners or by anyone else on any of our sites/ affiliates sites/ links/ posts/ blogs/ articles about us. You can not plead ignorance of English Language as almost all our blogs/ articles/ posts/ emails etc are in English and we do all the work in English only. Consultation may be done in Hindi or English or Punjabi as is convenient to us and you. Phone Consultation means upto one hour phone consultation.
Further, the disclaimer, terms or conditions given at:- http://mmm.aturchatur.com shall supersede all or any of our other disclaimers, terms or conditions and therefore by using any of our site or any site of our affiliaties you expressly agree to have abide by these rules, disclaimers, terms and conditions.
DISCLAIMER FIRST: These are very ticklish subject. What to exactly do can only be advised by your advocate who will study all facts and will give you sound advice. We do not give affidavit or receipt for the work done or fees received and we do not accept payment in Cash. The work is started on payment of full fees only and for urgent work if payment is made in parts then you yourself shall be responsible for delay in work if payment is made in parts and in such cases there is very high chance of work getting delayed and in such cases the fees is not refundable or adjustable to other work. Further, you can not ask for part work done by paying the part fees. This is not allowed. The full work is given to you and may be started (in most or some cases) at that point of time when full fees is paid by you. You are not entitled to get even any smallest part of work done by us if some part of fees is not paid by you i.e., if there is some pending payment by you. No Refund Policy:- If you do not send the relevant files or your plan or circumstances changes after payment or for any other reason whatsoever, there is No Refund permissible & hence, you are requested to pay only if this is acceptable to you. This article or blog (through which you have come to http://mmm.aturchatur.com) or any of draft assistance by us is only academic and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate. All my (our) services such as consultation, blogs, videos, written assistance is my (our) personal opinion and you shall not feel bound to follow these advises & so you must go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate.
Closing of a FIR/ false FIR (and court cases and police complaints) is inherently risky as corrupt officials may be involved and you agree to assume complete and full responsibility for the outcomes of all closing FIR decisions or related decisions that you make, including but not limited to loss of capital and other losses, if any. None of the comments or pseudo comments on any of these sites or by any of our affiliate sites or blogs/ comments/ posts/ articles associated with it or comments written/ published on any of our sites by us, our affiliates, employees/ owners / clients / pseudo clients / testimonials / clients testimonials / pseudo client testimonials or anyone else should be construed as an offer to buy or sell or any claim to close with certainty/ guarantee or anything like that, nor advice to do so. All comments and posts made by us, or by our group companies/ blogs/ affiliates/ employees/ owners/ admin/ comments associated (or published on any of our blogs) with it and employees/ owners are for information purposes only and under no circumstances should be used for actual results. You are requested to not get attracted to any of the testimonials or clients testimonials or pseudo client testimonials on any of above blogs/ websites etc as we never claim any of these and these may be just for content/ content updation/ advertising or anything else so please please and please ask from us through email in writing what you expect from a service and pay us only if you get a satisfactory response from us through email. We do not guarantee any results. We do not diagnose any problems as we are not authorized to do so hence kindly use your discretion before sending us any attachments/ pictures or files because you do so at your sole risk and at your own risk. Even though we try our best to keep your information safe and private as per the best of our knowledge, expertise and carefulness, however, some things are beyond our control like data theft, natural calamities or other unforeseen contingencies so by sending us any attachments or important information you are expressly agreeing to bear these risks. We do not guarantee legitimacy of any service so you need to be in touch with your own advisors/ advisers also before and during taking any assistance from us or before using any of the information given on any of the above mentioned blogs/ websites etc. We do not guarantee immediate results or any results at all but of course we offer you the best advise as per the best of our knowledge. You are not allowed to hide your true identity or true intention of contacting us so please email us only if you disclose us your true identity and intent of contacting us. None of the testimonials or clients testimonials or other comments / posts/ articles etc on any of our website/ blog etc may be construed as true and before relying on any testimonial or comment or article etc on any of our above mentioned blog/ websites etc you need to copy paste and send us those paras and ask us for the authenticity of those testimonials/ comments/ posts/ articles etc and if we inform you through email that those are true, only then you may rely on those and if you take any decisions based solely on those comment/ testimonials/ posts/ articles etc then you yourself shall be solely responsible and that we shall not be held responsible for your decisions or actions. Further, we would like to say that, under no circumstances should any person at this site make decisions based solely on the information discussed herein and we do not claim any of the posts or comments or reply etc on our website to be true or false or partially true or partially false or anything like that even if our moderators or admin or emails with respect to any of our blogs/ websites/ articles/ posts/ emails allow posting of such comments or reply or posts etc on any of our websites/ blogs/ articles/ posts/ emails etc or those by our affiliates anywhere on internet. Please use your discretion and due diligence before making any judgment based on the principle of "CAVEAT EMPTOR" i.e., "Let the Buyer Beware". We are not a qualified legal advisor and you should not construe any information discussed herein to constitute legal advice/ legal opinion or anything like that. It is just informational in nature.
DISCLAIMER SECOND: Even though there are many truths written by us but due to certain unscrupulous and unethical elements who do not want us to open the eyes of husbands or NRI's and their families and in order to avoid any confusion we do not claim any of the strategies or anything else written in those articles or blogs (through which you have come to http://mmm.aturchatur.com and to those articles or blogs to which the disclaimer at http://mmm.aturchatur.com applies) or in any other article/ post/ blog/s written by us or our affiliates anywhere on the internet or any email by us or any email by any of our affiliates, and you can assume these to be imaginary stories to avoid any confusion and we will not disclose any of our personal or other documents to you or anyone. This article or any of draft assistance by us is only academic and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate.
DISCLAIMER THIRD: On our website or anywhere if you find FREE CONSULTATION ON EMAIL then that means you may get only one free consultation on email and that too only if we have the time for any such consultation on email only, and further, at any point of time, we may chose to not reply to your email/s for any reason whatsoever hence it doesn't constitute your right to force/ direct us to reply in desired way or any other way if we are unable to reply to any or all of your email/s and those of your near and dear ones (or anyone related to you) for any reason whatsoever and in any such case, we may not be answerable to you or anyone else in respect thereof. Furthermore, to get free consultation on email you need to send us all the documents requested by us (on that website or as requested by us on email) on email every-time we may ask for it probably again and again in every email as usually we may not store your previous email attachments or mails. Further, you are not allowed to ask academic or non-academic queries like which section is applicable based on your case merits or facts and circumstances because we are not a qualified legal adviser and you should not construe any information discussed herein to constitute legal advice/ legal opinion or anything like that, and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate. You are not allowed to seek clarifications or questions on a strategy advised and the reasons thereof and any such email (seeking clarifications, explanations etc) may not be answered because telling you the most suitable strategy or optimum strategy only may be limited to telling you just the name of those strategies and not the contents or sub-strategies therein which usually means to suggest you whether to counter or challenge any false CAW/ FIR/ Charge Sheet/ DV/ 125 CrPC or any other false complaint by your wife or any other girl/ woman. Further, by using our consultation on email you expressly or impliedly agree to indemnify i, me or us with any loss suffered from your unwarranted actions or those actions which may be against any of the terms or conditions or disclaimers given below. If you do not agree to any of these then please stay away from sending me an email or trying to contact me. The Free Consultation on email may be limited to telling you a most suitable or optimum strategy only like Perjury against wife/ girl who filed false case on you, or 420 IPC against wife/ anyone else if applicable, Passport Impounding of Wife for fake documents or to make her not run out of country after filing false cases on you, or filing of ARREST WARRANT AGAINST WIFE, or something like that along with fees for our written assistance, if any r/w the terms and conditions and disclaimer given at http://www.aturchatur.com and also r/w those terms and conditions and disclaimers written on http://mmm.aturchatur.com in entirety.
DISCLAIMER FOURTH: Our videos/ blogs are based on researches and case studies gathered from different books, media, internet etc. We don't accept any responsibility or liability for accuracy, content, completeness or reliability of the information contained in our blogs or videos. Our blogs and videos are made solely for knowledge purpose and is not created with the intent to harm, injure or defame any person or body of persons, company, association or anyone. Our blogs or videos are not intended to spread rumours or hurt the sentiments of any religion, community, individual or to bring disrepute to anyone (living or dead). The viewer/ reader of our video/ blog should always do their due diligence and if anyone wishes to apply the ideas or views/ opinions contained in our video/ blog takes full responsibility of it and it is done at thier own risk and consequences of his own. The material contained in our videos/ blogs cannot replace or substitute the services of trained professionals in any fields including, but not limited to, financial, medical, philosophical or legal matters. The makers and producers of these blogs or videos and anyone involved in making of these videos/ blogs does not take any responsibility for any direct, implied, indirect, punitive, special, specific, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly on the account of any actions taken based on the video or blog. We disclaim any kind of claim of liable, libel or slander or any kind of claim / suit of any kind. Video Viewer's and Blog Reader's discretion is highly advised and attracted. Note:- Indian Government has not started any men cell or man cell or पुरुष आयोग, but, if you are a man (or boy) whose wife (or girlfriend or neighbour lady) has filed false FIR against you and you have unrebuttable evidences and documents proving her false FIR or police complaint {or her false court cases) then you should use the best of your knowledge to put that girl/ lady/ wife behind the bars legally and technically using right judgments of Supreme Court.
DISCLAIMER FIFTH: EMAIL DISCLAIMER: This Disclaimer applies to all our email communications hence you are requested to kindly read it carefully and if any clarification is needed then please reach us at our email id:- aturchatur@yahoo.com The Email Disclaimer reads as follows for your kind perusal:- This communication is privileged, confidential, maybe subject to copyright and may contain personal information. Please contact the sender immediately if you are not the intended recipient. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If received in error, this message should be deleted or destroyed. You are not allowed to discuss or disclose this information or any of the strategies with any lawyer or advocate or anyone else. You are not allowed to post this information on any website otherwise copyright or intellectual property rights or other suitable action may be taken against the defaulter. This email communication or email consultation or draft assistance etc is highly confidential and this is for your personal use only. If you discuss or disclosed any of these strategies with any lawyer or advocate or anyone else then you may certainly lose all your court cases or you may suffer material financial losses or other material losses because there could be widespread corruption or unethical practices. This is the personal opinion of the sender. its upto you to make any of the above choice. please take advise of some other counsel or expert also.
Kindly note that:- All of our disclaimers or terms or conditions given at any of our websites, blogs or emails or videos etc applies in toto word by word and you shall be bound by these disclaimers and terms and conditions so you are requested to kindly read the same before dealing with us or before making any payment to us or before using any of the information or article or post/ blog/ email etc written by us or comments written/ published on any of our sites by us, our affiliates, employees/ owners or by anyone else on any of our sites/ affiliates sites/ links/ posts/ blogs/ articles about us. You can not plead ignorance of English Language as almost all our blogs/ articles/ posts/ emails etc are in English and we do all the work in English only. Consultation may be done in Hindi or English or Punjabi as is convenient to us and you. Phone Consultation means upto one hour phone consultation.
Further, the disclaimer, terms or conditions given at:- http://mmm.aturchatur.com shall supersede all or any of our other disclaimers, terms or conditions and therefore by using any of our site or any site of our affiliaties you expressly agree to have abide by these rules, disclaimers, terms and conditions.
DISCLAIMER FIRST: These are very ticklish subject. What to exactly do can only be advised by your advocate who will study all facts and will give you sound advice. We do not give affidavit or receipt for the work done or fees received and we do not accept payment in Cash. The work is started on payment of full fees only and for urgent work if payment is made in parts then you yourself shall be responsible for delay in work if payment is made in parts and in such cases there is very high chance of work getting delayed and in such cases the fees is not refundable or adjustable to other work. Further, you can not ask for part work done by paying the part fees. This is not allowed. The full work is given to you and may be started (in most or some cases) at that point of time when full fees is paid by you. You are not entitled to get even any smallest part of work done by us if some part of fees is not paid by you i.e., if there is some pending payment by you. No Refund Policy:- If you do not send the relevant files or your plan or circumstances changes after payment or for any other reason whatsoever, there is No Refund permissible & hence, you are requested to pay only if this is acceptable to you. This article or blog (through which you have come to http://mmm.aturchatur.com) or any of draft assistance by us is only academic and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate. All my (our) services such as consultation, blogs, videos, written assistance is my (our) personal opinion and you shall not feel bound to follow these advises & so you must go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate.
Closing of a FIR/ false FIR (and court cases and police complaints) is inherently risky as corrupt officials may be involved and you agree to assume complete and full responsibility for the outcomes of all closing FIR decisions or related decisions that you make, including but not limited to loss of capital and other losses, if any. None of the comments or pseudo comments on any of these sites or by any of our affiliate sites or blogs/ comments/ posts/ articles associated with it or comments written/ published on any of our sites by us, our affiliates, employees/ owners / clients / pseudo clients / testimonials / clients testimonials / pseudo client testimonials or anyone else should be construed as an offer to buy or sell or any claim to close with certainty/ guarantee or anything like that, nor advice to do so. All comments and posts made by us, or by our group companies/ blogs/ affiliates/ employees/ owners/ admin/ comments associated (or published on any of our blogs) with it and employees/ owners are for information purposes only and under no circumstances should be used for actual results. You are requested to not get attracted to any of the testimonials or clients testimonials or pseudo client testimonials on any of above blogs/ websites etc as we never claim any of these and these may be just for content/ content updation/ advertising or anything else so please please and please ask from us through email in writing what you expect from a service and pay us only if you get a satisfactory response from us through email. We do not guarantee any results. We do not diagnose any problems as we are not authorized to do so hence kindly use your discretion before sending us any attachments/ pictures or files because you do so at your sole risk and at your own risk. Even though we try our best to keep your information safe and private as per the best of our knowledge, expertise and carefulness, however, some things are beyond our control like data theft, natural calamities or other unforeseen contingencies so by sending us any attachments or important information you are expressly agreeing to bear these risks. We do not guarantee legitimacy of any service so you need to be in touch with your own advisors/ advisers also before and during taking any assistance from us or before using any of the information given on any of the above mentioned blogs/ websites etc. We do not guarantee immediate results or any results at all but of course we offer you the best advise as per the best of our knowledge. You are not allowed to hide your true identity or true intention of contacting us so please email us only if you disclose us your true identity and intent of contacting us. None of the testimonials or clients testimonials or other comments / posts/ articles etc on any of our website/ blog etc may be construed as true and before relying on any testimonial or comment or article etc on any of our above mentioned blog/ websites etc you need to copy paste and send us those paras and ask us for the authenticity of those testimonials/ comments/ posts/ articles etc and if we inform you through email that those are true, only then you may rely on those and if you take any decisions based solely on those comment/ testimonials/ posts/ articles etc then you yourself shall be solely responsible and that we shall not be held responsible for your decisions or actions. Further, we would like to say that, under no circumstances should any person at this site make decisions based solely on the information discussed herein and we do not claim any of the posts or comments or reply etc on our website to be true or false or partially true or partially false or anything like that even if our moderators or admin or emails with respect to any of our blogs/ websites/ articles/ posts/ emails allow posting of such comments or reply or posts etc on any of our websites/ blogs/ articles/ posts/ emails etc or those by our affiliates anywhere on internet. Please use your discretion and due diligence before making any judgment based on the principle of "CAVEAT EMPTOR" i.e., "Let the Buyer Beware". We are not a qualified legal advisor and you should not construe any information discussed herein to constitute legal advice/ legal opinion or anything like that. It is just informational in nature.
DISCLAIMER SECOND: Even though there are many truths written by us but due to certain unscrupulous and unethical elements who do not want us to open the eyes of husbands or NRI's and their families and in order to avoid any confusion we do not claim any of the strategies or anything else written in those articles or blogs (through which you have come to http://mmm.aturchatur.com and to those articles or blogs to which the disclaimer at http://mmm.aturchatur.com applies) or in any other article/ post/ blog/s written by us or our affiliates anywhere on the internet or any email by us or any email by any of our affiliates, and you can assume these to be imaginary stories to avoid any confusion and we will not disclose any of our personal or other documents to you or anyone. This article or any of draft assistance by us is only academic and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate.
DISCLAIMER THIRD: On our website or anywhere if you find FREE CONSULTATION ON EMAIL then that means you may get only one free consultation on email and that too only if we have the time for any such consultation on email only, and further, at any point of time, we may chose to not reply to your email/s for any reason whatsoever hence it doesn't constitute your right to force/ direct us to reply in desired way or any other way if we are unable to reply to any or all of your email/s and those of your near and dear ones (or anyone related to you) for any reason whatsoever and in any such case, we may not be answerable to you or anyone else in respect thereof. Furthermore, to get free consultation on email you need to send us all the documents requested by us (on that website or as requested by us on email) on email every-time we may ask for it probably again and again in every email as usually we may not store your previous email attachments or mails. Further, you are not allowed to ask academic or non-academic queries like which section is applicable based on your case merits or facts and circumstances because we are not a qualified legal adviser and you should not construe any information discussed herein to constitute legal advice/ legal opinion or anything like that, and if you do anything on its basis, and any damage you suffer, it will be solely your responsibility and we will not be responsible or answerable to you. Go strictly by your own advice and advice of your own advocate. You are not allowed to seek clarifications or questions on a strategy advised and the reasons thereof and any such email (seeking clarifications, explanations etc) may not be answered because telling you the most suitable strategy or optimum strategy only may be limited to telling you just the name of those strategies and not the contents or sub-strategies therein which usually means to suggest you whether to counter or challenge any false CAW/ FIR/ Charge Sheet/ DV/ 125 CrPC or any other false complaint by your wife or any other girl/ woman. Further, by using our consultation on email you expressly or impliedly agree to indemnify i, me or us with any loss suffered from your unwarranted actions or those actions which may be against any of the terms or conditions or disclaimers given below. If you do not agree to any of these then please stay away from sending me an email or trying to contact me. The Free Consultation on email may be limited to telling you a most suitable or optimum strategy only like Perjury against wife/ girl who filed false case on you, or 420 IPC against wife/ anyone else if applicable, Passport Impounding of Wife for fake documents or to make her not run out of country after filing false cases on you, or filing of ARREST WARRANT AGAINST WIFE, or something like that along with fees for our written assistance, if any r/w the terms and conditions and disclaimer given at http://www.aturchatur.com and also r/w those terms and conditions and disclaimers written on http://mmm.aturchatur.com in entirety.
DISCLAIMER FOURTH: Our videos/ blogs are based on researches and case studies gathered from different books, media, internet etc. We don't accept any responsibility or liability for accuracy, content, completeness or reliability of the information contained in our blogs or videos. Our blogs and videos are made solely for knowledge purpose and is not created with the intent to harm, injure or defame any person or body of persons, company, association or anyone. Our blogs or videos are not intended to spread rumours or hurt the sentiments of any religion, community, individual or to bring disrepute to anyone (living or dead). The viewer/ reader of our video/ blog should always do their due diligence and if anyone wishes to apply the ideas or views/ opinions contained in our video/ blog takes full responsibility of it and it is done at thier own risk and consequences of his own. The material contained in our videos/ blogs cannot replace or substitute the services of trained professionals in any fields including, but not limited to, financial, medical, philosophical or legal matters. The makers and producers of these blogs or videos and anyone involved in making of these videos/ blogs does not take any responsibility for any direct, implied, indirect, punitive, special, specific, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly on the account of any actions taken based on the video or blog. We disclaim any kind of claim of liable, libel or slander or any kind of claim / suit of any kind. Video Viewer's and Blog Reader's discretion is highly advised and attracted. Note:- Indian Government has not started any men cell or man cell or पुरुष आयोग, but, if you are a man (or boy) whose wife (or girlfriend or neighbour lady) has filed false FIR against you and you have unrebuttable evidences and documents proving her false FIR or police complaint {or her false court cases) then you should use the best of your knowledge to put that girl/ lady/ wife behind the bars legally and technically using right judgments of Supreme Court.
DISCLAIMER FIFTH: EMAIL DISCLAIMER: This Disclaimer applies to all our email communications hence you are requested to kindly read it carefully and if any clarification is needed then please reach us at our email id:- aturchatur@yahoo.com The Email Disclaimer reads as follows for your kind perusal:- This communication is privileged, confidential, maybe subject to copyright and may contain personal information. Please contact the sender immediately if you are not the intended recipient. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If received in error, this message should be deleted or destroyed. You are not allowed to discuss or disclose this information or any of the strategies with any lawyer or advocate or anyone else. You are not allowed to post this information on any website otherwise copyright or intellectual property rights or other suitable action may be taken against the defaulter. This email communication or email consultation or draft assistance etc is highly confidential and this is for your personal use only. If you discuss or disclosed any of these strategies with any lawyer or advocate or anyone else then you may certainly lose all your court cases or you may suffer material financial losses or other material losses because there could be widespread corruption or unethical practices. This is the personal opinion of the sender. its upto you to make any of the above choice. please take advise of some other counsel or expert also.
Disclaimer: You will not get any judgments during phone consultation or unlimited phone consultation. You are NOT allowed to discuss the case of your client, friend, relative or anyone else. If you made payment assuming that you will get judgments or you can discuss the case of your client, friend or relative, then, you won't get either the refund or the consultation because we help only the clients & we never guide their lawyers & counsels about how to fight cases. Similarly, you are not allowed to discuss the hypothetical cases for education purposes if you are a law student or practising advocate. PAY ONLY IF YOU WANT TO DISCUSS YOUR OWN CASE & YOU HAVE THE RELEVANT DOCUMENTS IN RESPECT THEREOF OTHERWISE WHATEVER YOU PAY IN OUR ACCOUNT WILL BE FORFEITED & NOT REFUNDED TO YOU UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER HENCE PAY IN OUR ACCOUNT ONLY IF YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO THIS OTHERWISE NOT. Further, it is pertinent to mention here that, unlimited phone consultation is limited to 15-30 minutes per day & you can discuss your case based on our availability only. You can not and should not assume us to be free all day to help only you only because we are helping other people also in written assistance & LTR's also which are case specific & customized for each of our clients & also we help people in home consultations & visits to court, police & government departments for fetching records. Further, if you have taken unlimited phone consultation then you should discuss your matter with us in brief. Else leave us email for detailed discussions or write your queries so that we can answer you through email. Unlimited Consultation Fees is limited to one case only & for your every case you need to pay consultation fees separately unless expressly admitted by us through our email aturchatur@yahoo.com only & not on phone or other mode of communication or any other email id. Unlimited Consultation does not include any type of guaranteed or offers & the offers or any schemes can NOT be clubbed together & if you have assumed that we guarantee you any type of results in unlimited Consultation or Unlimited Phone Consultation etc then we deny you the same expressly because unlimited phone consultation includes only phone consultation and unlimited consultation does NOT includes any written assistance or any other service or offer etc.
DISCLAIMER SIXTH: JUDGMENT DISCLAIMER : We do NOT claim any judgments written by us or written by anyone else on our behalf on any blog, vlog, website, video or any other communication platform however we do believe that Enforceability is the key to success especially for men in India or abroad. We do not provide any type of judgment/s to any client or anyone else during consultation or written assistance or whatsapp/ phone comunication or through email & neither we claim any such judgments provided by us expresly or impliedly thereof however we may use all relevant direct &/or indirect judgments during One Year or Full Package Written Assistance only. We also believe it strongly that people are losing court cases only due to corrupt counsels who connive with each other & these corrupt advocates & lawyers are usually family friends, best friends, known people & referrals, neighbors & referrals by neighbors, sympathisers & well-wishers, relatives (close relatives, blood relatives & distant relatives), men rights activists, honeytrap advocates, Men Rights NGOs, Save Family Frauds, Save Indian Family Frauds, Cry Baby MRA's, Women Men Rights Activists & Attention Seekers MRAs, Self Proclaimed & Independent Journalists & Freelance Journalists, Pseudo victims of false cases & Commission Agents of Lawyers spread over the internet & many more, & its our personal opinion that, if any person wants to win false cases then he/ she has no other option but to fight party in person & we try our best to help you enforce your rights before corrupt police, corrupt judges, land mafia, human trafficking & other such wrongs prevalent in the society using the best of our knowledge.
My message:- My fight against corrupt l@wyers and their commission @gents spread over the internet gets intense from now onwards and there is a common saying that when the going gets tough the tough gets going.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'Fair Use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research, Fair use is a permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing, Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
My message:- My fight against corrupt l@wyers and their commission @gents spread over the internet gets intense from now onwards and there is a common saying that when the going gets tough the tough gets going.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'Fair Use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research, Fair use is a permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing, Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
100% Money Back Guarantee Disclaimer If you have any of our 100% Money Back Guarantee Offer then the amount payable to you shall be limited to the amount paid by you but you have to follow all the conditions of the offer. You will only get 100% of your money back and no other costs, damages, risks, interest, or any other amount will be payable to you so before making payment think again several times because these terms & conditions are applicable to you.
Note:- 100% Money Back Offer is NOT available for everyone. Please pay Phone Consultation Fees to discuss your case. This Phone Consultation fees is NOT refundable. However, during phone consultation you can ask us about any 100% Money Back Offer if applicable on your case merits. We will then tell you 100% Money Back Offer Fees based on work to be done which may have 100% Money Back offer, hence, you are requested & suggested to NOT assume 100% Money Back Offer unless we offer you & you accept any such 100% Money Back Offer.
Let's Beat Corruption Together so that corrupt advocates keep rubbing their hands & you succeed in solving your cases PARTY IN PERSON.